Redefining Power

Recap of Mark 15:1-15.  There is a kind of revolutionary ambiguity to Jesus' answer before Pilate.  He neither affirms nor denies the questions thrown at him.  Is he a King?  Yes and No.  Yes, he is a king but not in the sense of militant revolutionaries nor in the sense of religious separatists.  He is not a Zealot, nor an Essene.  When it comes to "power" he is not interested in taking power, but redefining power all together.  Jesus majestically stood in silence amongst all the religious and political talk vying for power.   And Pilate was amazed.   It wasn't that Jesus majestically rose above it all.  It was how he was willing to majestically come beneath it all.  He not only put up with us.  He traded places with us. He died for us AS us.  ~ Ed