What is Wrong with Us? PART 1

"Recent events and challenges in the life of our nation and city remind us that the world is not always a place of peace and wholeness--but of strife and brokenness.  As we continue in Keller's "Gospel Christianity" we look at the question "What is Wrong With Us?"--an examination of the biblical notion of "sin" and fracture in the world.  This week's message deviates from Keller's study a little bit to look at the Bible's conception of sin from a cosmic perspective.  In Romans 8:18-28, Paul teaches that sin has caused all of Creation to "groan", as well as every believer in Christ, because of the brokenness of sin.  Yet the hope the passage and for us today is that we do not "groan alone", but that God also groans with us by His Spirit, helping us to pray and to not lose heart."