“I believe in the possibility of God.”  This was a comment from Dallas (“Weirdo”), one of the street kids, on a recent Friday night.   He expressed an attitude shared by many that within the vastness of time and space there could exist this person called God.  By maintaining God as only a possibility and not a reality we can keep Him at a comfortable distance and seemingly control how close He gets.  Dallas’ cautious belief was probably not the result of not hearing about God or the gospel message, but because actually meeting God would feel too overwhelming and risky. 

When it comes to belief in God, the possibility of Him is a lot safer than belief in Him.  We don’t have to relinquish control of our lives and righteousness to what may not exist.  There is no fear of rejection by Someone who may or may not be there.  Hopes can’t be dashed if we don’t hope in anything. We can’t be overwhelmed by the unconditional love and grace of a mere possibility. The depravity of our souls is obvious next to the beauty of God, but safe from view next to an enigmatic maybe. It feels safe to maintain God as being only a possibility, yet it is unsatisfying.  

There is something deep inside Dallas, inside all of us, that longs for something more than belief in just a possibility, because we were created for more, by more than a possibility.  We were created by God of the universe, to be in perfect union with Him to know and be known by Him.  Only by claiming this truth can we stand to look upon the awesome wonder, who is God, and not shrink away in fear or push Him away to the farthest limits of our imaginations, but find the true safety and satisfaction we seek. 

- Susan